Friday, June 11, 2010

Nothin' to do but drive

Today was all about driving -- about 475 miles from Elko, NV to Panguitch, UT. We saw lots of mountains, sage brush, juniper, pine, sand, salt flats, in rain and sun. We took turns driving and sleeping (but not at the same time). What more can you say?

We did stop off in Provo real quick for lunch and saw my brother, Don. What did surprise us was the weather. It was mostly in the 50's the whole way. We expected it to be hot as we got to southern Utah, but it's quite chilly here.

Panguitch is a quaint town, with more quaint motels than we expected. They had a dinner theatre notice on our door at the motel, but we got here just after it started. That would have been fun. So we went to the Cowboy Smokehouse for dinner. I saw that there's a Lions Club breakfast tomorrow morning, but it may be too chilly to eat outside!

We have about as much driving tomorrow, so I better post this and get some sleep... and let Mary sleep, too.

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