Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Decisions, decisions

It's hard to blog about me today, as our efforts were mostly focused on Melissa. We got a tour of Evans beauty college. We were impressed with the breadth and thoroughness of their program. Enough to pay the application fee. Unfortunately, she's on a waiting list for September. Fortunately, the director feels she has a 90% chance of starting in September because they are expanding their facility over the summer.

We then looked at some housing options and narrowed it down to an apartment near the school, but farther from BYU-I and grocery stores and probable job locations, and fairly inexpensive; and an apartment next to BYU-I, but a bit more expensive. It would be nice to know that she has a good singles ward, even if it's not a "student" ward. Transportation is always a concern. The decision is tough on her; she doesn't want to get it wrong. So we'll hope she can make a decision soon. It's hard to find the right balance between telling her what to do and staying completely out of it.

I also got the 5,000 mile service on the car today. We've had it just over a month and have already put over 5,000 miles. Weird.

We've especially enjoyed all the time we've been able to spend with Liz and Jacob ... and the meals we've enjoyed together! It's good to get to know Jacob, to talk more with Liz, and to see them together.

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