We had a very exciting Flag Day at FSI. As described before, the head of the Career Development Affairs for entry level officers, Ambassador DeLisi, holds up a flag, we all shout out the name of the country, and then he announces what post it is and who is getting assigned there. He did announce that everyone was getting a post to one of their "high" preferences. That was definitely exciting to hear! There were no Iraq assignments (all filled for now).
Mine was one of the last few to be announced. But when he announced Tegucigalpa, Honduras and said mine name, I jumped up and shouted like a game show contestant!
I'm still getting all the details on further training and travel plans, but we'll be headed out sometime in May or June. I won't be getting language training since I just passed the Spanish test. I will be doing about a year of consular work (issuing visas and helping American citizens), then about a year of Economic work (and I don't entirely know what that entails yet).
Honduras seems like a fascinating place. It is about 1/2 the size of Oregon, and has coasts on both the Carribean and Pacific. Tegucigalpa is up in the mountains at about 3,000 feet, and has a temperate climate. See http://www.state.gov/p/wha/ci/ho/ and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honduras
Wow! This is really happening!
Not sure if you guys have a water cooler there, but if you do, any discussion going on about Kosovo? You listed Bosnia as one of your preferred assignments so I figured there might be some interest on happenings in that area.
Hi Curt, I just wanted to thank you for writing this blog. I read it up until my oral assessment last week and it was very helpful in a number of ways, mainly just setting my mind at ease, which, at the orals is a big deal. I passed 2 out of 3 sections, failing the case management and that was enough to drop me to a 5.0 overall, unfortunately. Seeing that you've persevered gives me encouragement and hope that next year I'll be back at the orals and will do better, and maybe we'll cross paths someday. Anyway, thanks again.
metodd1 (at) gmail.com
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